With age, your skin's natural collagen supply decreases and you may start to notice wrinkles and facial aging.
Activate the skin’s natural regenerative process with Sculptra Aesthetic and help replenish lost collagen, the most common protein in the body that supports cells and tissue. This FDA-approved injectable subtly and gradually over time helps restore facial volume.
What to expect? This is a minimally invasive treatment using a fine needle or canula to inject into the dermal layer. As such expect several small pricks during to treatment. The amount of injection entirely depends on your specific needs, goals and anatomy. Actual injection time will be only 10-20 minutes but expect an hour duration for the appointment.
How do I start? First with a consultation with Misty. Although there is no downtime following your appointment we suggest making an appointment 1-2 weeks prior to any special events.
When do I see results? Immediately as wrinkles and contours are filled. Then depending on occasional swelling results settle in about a 1 week and continue for months. We also schedule a follow up appointment to make any needed touch ups.
Lips, Lines, Volume BEFORE and AFTER